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Sell property in Bulgaria

If you have decided to sell your property in Bulgaria, we recommend contacting a professional real estate agency. You will save time and, believe me, selling directly without an agent and legal support in most cases is not profitable for the seller!

How we work:

please fill in an application form to sell your property

Within 24 hours we will make an estimate of the property and contact you.
We sign an agreement to sell the property.
We check the object for availability / absence of encumbrances.
We put the object on our website and other advertising portals.

The procedure for selling real estate in Bulgaria:

It's easier than it looks! Once the buyer has left a deposit for the purchase of your flat, we start preparing the necessary documents for the transaction, namely

  • Obtaining a Tax Appraisal Certificate for the flat.
  • Obtaining a Cadastral Chart of the flat.

Documents required for the sale by the seller:

  • Valid passport
  • Notarial deed of ownership
  • Marital Status Certificate at the time of sale;
  • Certificate of no indebtedness in respect of local taxes in Bulgaria
  • Declaration under the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

Important to know! According to the Bulgarian legislation in case the property was purchased during marriage and is a common property, when selling the property, the presence of both spouses at the deal or a notarial consent of the spouse to sell their shares, as well as the other documents listed above are obligatory.

An exception is the existence of a prenuptial agreement.

Sell your property in Bulgaria remotely, without travelling to Bulgaria.

More and more sellers are choosing to sell their property remotely. If you don't have an attorney in Bulgaria, our lawyer or your chosen representative will usually act as the seller's proxy. There is no risk, you will receive the sale price into the current account specified in the power of attorney. We always work transparently and protect the interests of both the seller and the buyer!

Read how to sell real estate in Bulgaria remotely and blog about selling real estate in Bulgaria:

Our Client Testimonials:

Sell a property in Bulgaria:

Types of real estate
CEPI - European Association of Real Estate Professions

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